• 20DEC

    Growth Vision 幸福疗愈空间

    这次我们还是一样,以稍稍不同的方式与大家见面哦!星期二中午1230pm, 请到我们的FB Page 来参与。
  • 01APR

    [Zoom: Healing in Action] by POV Trainer Veron Lim

    Healing In action 是由 GrowthVision 为新加坡马来西亚POV社群提供的活动。我们在这里可以得到朋友们的支持和鼓励,老师和学长们会为我们解答疑惑, 社团的凝聚力和能量会让我们彼此携手,一起穿越痛苦和挑战,分享彼此的爱和喜悦。
    这次的HIA我们将会用Online Zoom 方式,有兴趣参与的请与我们联系哦 ~
  • 22DEC

    [Return To Oneness R2O 合一之路] by POV Trainers Veron Lim & Linda Li

    2022 年 之年度盛事!Veron老师和Linda 老师将联合一起带领POV的最重要的年度课程 ~ 合一之路 Return to Oneness, 简称R2O! R2O 包含了POV 创始人Chuck博士及Lency 老师毕生的精髓, 带领大家打下坚实的基础,一路到达灵性的顶峰。R2O共20堂每堂4小时的课程, 兼具阳刚面及阴柔面的平衡,完成整个年度课程的同学可以获得20天的 POV认证天数。

    This class includes the essence of Dr. Chuck and Teacher Lency's life, and also includes the most advanced and cutting-edge courses of POV in recent years. Not only can you build a solid foundation, but also lead you step by step The experience of highly spiritual happiness. It is a very balanced course with the sun and the soft face. Besides having the tape neck of teachers, there are also many after-class and partners homework, so that everyone can also use it in life. Don't miss it. 

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