

[Return To Oneness R2O 合一之路] by POV Trainers Veron Lim & Linda Li

15-Dec-2023 - 29-Nov-2024
by Veronica Lim

主题 Title: 合一之路 Return To Oneness R2O 
日期 Date:2023年12月15日~2024年11月29日(年度工作坊)
时间 Time:6.30pm ~ 10.30pm (Singapore Time)
学费 Fee:SGD$6,999
讲师 Speaker: Veron Lim & Linda Li (愿景心理学训练师 POV Trainers)
(华语教学 Conducted in Mandarin, English translation upon request)
❤️❤️ 免费2次1对1咨商 ~ Veron老师及Linda老师各一次 
🎉 线上线下结合的方式,并有录影和作业。完成课程可获得20天的POV天数。也纳入百毕的必要条件。
✨ 即刻报名以享有课程优惠 Register now for early bird promotion ~
☎️ 报名/询问电话 Contact:
创知见 Growth Vision Training: 65 6908 8128 / 65 8939 7876
🔗 线上报名连结 Online Registration:https://buy.stripe.com/eVacNteHT3z47IcaGn
———————————————————————————————🌸 【Title: 合一之路 Return To Oneness R2O 】
2023 - 2024年 之年度盛事!Veron老师和Linda 老师将联合一起带领POV的最重要的年度课程 ~ 合一之路 Return to Oneness, 简称R2O! R2O 包含了POV 创始人Chuck博士及Lency 老师毕生的精髓, 带领大家打下坚实的基础,一路到达灵性的顶峰。R2O共20堂每堂4小时的课程, 兼具阳刚面及阴柔面的平衡,完成整个年度课程的同学可以获得20天的 POV认证天数。
This class includes the essence of Dr. Chuck and Teacher Lency's life, and also includes the most advanced and cutting-edge courses of POV in recent years. Not only can you build a solid foundation, but also lead you step by step the experience of highly spiritual happiness. It is a very balanced course with the sun and the soft face. Besides having the tape neck of teachers, there are also many after-class and partners homework, so that everyone can also use it in life. Don't miss it. ❤️


06:30 PM - 10:30 PM



Training Courses