Happy Relationships Workshop 幸福关系工作坊 : Stages in Relationships 关系的阶段
28-Jun-2025 - 29-Jun-2025
by Linda Li
主题 Title: 关系的阶段 Stages in Relationships
日期 Date: 2025年6月28-29日
时间 Time: 9:30am ~ 6pm (Singapore Time)
地点 Venue: Growth Vision office
讲师 Speaker: Linda Li (愿景心理学训练师 POV Trainer)
学费 Fee:
✨如果您是新加坡NTUC会员,还可以享有高达50%的回扣!If you are Spore NTUC member, you are able to get up to 50% rebate of course fee!
SGD 699 credit card payment link
✨ 即刻报名, register now ~
☎️ 报名/询问电话 Contact:
创知见 Growth Vision Training: 65 6908 8128 / 65 8939 7876———————————————————————————
🌸【幸福关系】幸福关系是可以学习的。欢迎你来体验我们的幸福关系工作坊,让我们跟金钱,跟成功,跟自己,跟生命中重要的人,跟老天都建立起幸福,美丽的关系, 从而拥有快乐丰盛的人生。
🌸【Happy Relationship】Happy relationships can be learnt. Welcome to our Happy Relationships workshops if you wish to build a happy relationship with yourself, with important people in your life, with Money, Success, and also Heaven so as to enjoy a happy and abundant life!
日期 Date: 2025年6月28-29日
时间 Time: 9:30am ~ 6pm (Singapore Time)
地点 Venue: Growth Vision office
讲师 Speaker: Linda Li (愿景心理学训练师 POV Trainer)
学费 Fee:
✨如果您是新加坡NTUC会员,还可以享有高达50%的回扣!If you are Spore NTUC member, you are able to get up to 50% rebate of course fee!
SGD 699 credit card payment link
✨ 即刻报名, register now ~
☎️ 报名/询问电话 Contact:
创知见 Growth Vision Training: 65 6908 8128 / 65 8939 7876———————————————————————————
🌸【幸福关系】幸福关系是可以学习的。欢迎你来体验我们的幸福关系工作坊,让我们跟金钱,跟成功,跟自己,跟生命中重要的人,跟老天都建立起幸福,美丽的关系, 从而拥有快乐丰盛的人生。
🌸【Happy Relationship】Happy relationships can be learnt. Welcome to our Happy Relationships workshops if you wish to build a happy relationship with yourself, with important people in your life, with Money, Success, and also Heaven so as to enjoy a happy and abundant life!
09:30 AM - 06:00 PM
Growth Vision Training
1 Sims Lane #05-03
Singapore 387355
1 Sims Lane #05-03
Singapore 387355